LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Happy Valentine’s Day!  What are you doing to celebrate this year? I just got back from visiting my son and his family in New Hampshire. I went for my youngest grandson Sawyer’s 4th birthday. He’s incredibly articulate for a four-year-old—one foot still in toddlerhood and the other boldly tackling the world. He carries his well-loved teddy under one […]
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Jefferson Community Foundation Jefferson Community Foundation is your local community foundation, and our work is dedicated to the residents of Jefferson County. Founded in 2005, we understand the landscape — trends, obstacles, and opportunities — of community health and keep abreast of efforts that will enable all people to thrive. We know which local nonprofits are focused on […]
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! 7 Tips for Creating a Healthier Home in the New Year When it comes to living a healthier lifestyle, the little things can add up and make a considerable impact! It’s not just about hitting the gym or eating right – it’s also about creating a healthier home environment and adopting habits that promote overall well-being. To help you on your journey, here are some tips […]
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Happy New Year Everyone!
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Happy Hanukkah! Chag Sameach/Happy Festival of Lights! Celebrated from December 25 – Jan 2. Wishing you a season of peace.
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Merry Christmas! Wishing you and your family a wonderful day packed full of fun and love.
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Discovering the Rich Tapestry of December Holidays  December is a diverse and multicultural month filled with various holidays that hold deep significance for people around the world. Let’s explore some of these holidays to appreciate the traditions, cultures, and meanings that make this month so special. Bodhi Day (December 8th) is a Buddhist holiday commemorating the day when Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, attained enlightenment under […]
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Happy Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is fast approaching. This seems an appropriate time to reflect on the year and all I am thankful for. This has led me to explore the connection between gratitude, thankfulness, and joy. In positive psychology, gratitude is the human way of acknowledging the good things in life. I thought of a clip from “The Morning […]
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LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Time to Fall Back! Please remember to set your clocks back one hour before you tuck your loved ones into bed.
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Happy Halloween!   Click on this link for my spooky video!
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Welcome to Fall!
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! National Guacamole Day! Here’s a wonderful recipe I invented that has proven to be a hit at my parties! The Best Guacamole: ~ mash 2-3 medium-sized avocados ~ add the freshly squeezed juice from 1 small lime ~ add medium or hot salsa (or Pico de Gallo) depending on how hot you want it ~ add kosher or […]
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Ahhh! August Is The Height of Our Summer! What are you up to this month? Let me know how your summer has been shaping up. I’m here to answer any real estate questions you may have. (360) 301-1710.
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Happy Independence Day!
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Springtime Fun in Jefferson County: Food, Wine & Music Vintage PT Vineyards Downtown Weekly Jazz, Maker’s Monday & Bossa Nova nights Music, Wine, Food Truck or bring a picnic
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Romantic Valentine’s Day Dining There are many delicious, romantic, and intimate spots to dine out this Valentine’s Day in Jefferson County. Here are a few places you might want to consider.   ~ The Fireside in Port Ludlow   ~ Alchemy Wine and Bistro in Port Townsend   ~ Silverwater Cafe in Port Townsend   ~ Old Alcohol Plant […]
LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Ringing in the New Year! Do you remember the arrival of the millennium?  The 21st century seemed to be the stuff science fiction was made of … think of ‘2001: A Space Odyssey.’ Now here we are, almost a quarter of a century later.  Thanks to the advent of faster travel and social media like Google, Facebook, and YouTube, the world […]